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Roadrunner Rundown | wk 1

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Welcome back to Lee!!

Lee Elementary painting set as background. foreground features blue banner with. thewords "Welcome back to school" and "Russell Lee elementary School"


Welcome back to school! The year is just getting started and it is looking like we are off to a great start! A warm welcome to all the new families and new teachers and staff that are joining us this year as well as those of us that have been around for a while. This edition of the rundown has a lot of great updates but first...

Let's talk about Konstella

Konstella is Lee Elementary school and PTA’s official, private communication network. This will be the primary location for announcements, news, and calendar updates. This platform allows parents, teachers, faculty, Room Reps, and the PTA Executive Board to easily and quickly reach the right people and communicate in a secure environment.

Yesterday, official Konstella invitations were sent out using the list of people registered with AISD as the contact person for their Roadrunner. Due to complications with several new AISD systems, you may have noticed that in some cases only one parent was invited to Konstella or you were invited using the wrong email address. We're working to fix these issues and appreciate your patience. Use this form to let us know you need help and we'll be in touch asap.

Please also check your spam/junk in case the invite is waiting for you!


Where is Principal Sileo?

Graphic introducing Kim Placker
Kim Placker, Substitute Principal

Principal Sileo is enjoying family leave! Carlo Francis Salinas was born on August 17th. Mom and baby are happy and healthy. Principal Sileo will be back on the job later this semester after some much deserved family time.

Until her return, she has left Lee is under the strong leadership of our Substitute Principal, Kimberly Placker and the rest of our leadership team.

See more about Ms. Placker and other new Lee teachers/staff on the Lee social media.

Join Substitute Principal Placker for the Principal's Coffee scheduled for 8/30 @ 8:00 AM in the Lee Library. Reminder, all caregivers MUST check in with the front office prior to attending the meeting.


85 Years of Lee

round logo for Lee Elementary's 85th anniversary.

Did you know we're celebrating 85 years of Lee Elementary during the 2024-2025 academic year!

I'll use the Rundown to help share some facts about the school and Russell Lee in the weeks to come. If you're a Lee "lifer" and have some stories to share, I'd love to hear from you!


All About Roadrunner Rally

A letter from Wyeth Slagle, Lee PTA Vice President of Fundraising

flyer describing all the ways that Roadrunner Rally fundraising efforts impact and support the community

Hi everyone- First, please let me introduce myself, my name is Wyeth Slagle and I am heading up our Fundraising efforts this year. You will hear a lot from me over this first month of school because we have a very ambitious fundraising goal for this school year...and a lot of our donations towards this goal come from Roadrunner Rally.

What is Roadrunner Rally? It's one of 2 major fundraisers we have during the school year, where we request families donate money to help make our initiatives through the school-year happen.

Our fundraising goal for this year is $148,000. Why is this goal so large?

Well, the PTA is absorbing the Activity Fund, which is the annual budget each teacher requests from families to fund field trips and create budgets for special classroom activities. This will make its use far easier for the school and teachers to use, as it eliminates the district red-tape processes. The Activity Fund is traditionally $40-$50 per student.

Additionally, we are hiring part-time teachers to run mandated AISD programs for students with Special Education and Gifted/Talented needs. Your donation is so critical as money for these mandated programs is not provided by the district and allows us to provide small-group options to better support the needs of individual students.

With your help, Lee Elementary PTA can do so much to support our teachers, with staff appreciation events, financial support for professional development, and technology upgrades. Your assistance is felt every day by students who benefit from after-school clubs, field trips, and special assemblies that highlight critical topics like anti-bullying and Black History Month.

Thank you so much for your support and here's to a great school!


Suggested donation is $150 per child, but any and all donations are appreciated!

Please donate today:

donate to Lee - Roadrunner Rally


Did you notice that things are looking different around Lee?

  • As part of the 2022 Bond Program, Lee underwent some renovations this summer to install a new vestibule entry system.

Lee's 85th Anniversary Rejuvenation Project, sponsored by the PTA 

Last year the PTA voted to use PTA budget reserve funds to fund some extraordinary projects that promised to beautify the campus and create better / more functional systems for the teachers and students. These projects were lead by a committee of dedicated Lee caregivers who volunteered their time, energy and professional skills as architects, designers, and skilled tradespersons to fulfill our goals. The results are indeed aesthetically beautiful and functionally efficient.

  • This involved $30,000 to hire a contractor to clean, patch, prepare and repaint the hallways in the main building.

  • We also spent approximately $8,500 to purchase several items meant to create more efficient workflows both in the classroom and the hallways including: new cork boards installed outside each classroom, backpack hooks outside each classroom, new enclosed cabinets for lunchbox storages throughout the day, and large grade level cabinets in each hall for overflow storage. You might see continued updates as this project is ongoing!

  • The project also covered $10,000 toward new books for the library that our Roadrunners will get to enjoy for years to come.

  • We also have $10,000 earmarked for new computers for every teacher however due to district policy we are unable to purchase these new computers at this time.

Interested in more about how the PTA plans to raise and spend $148k this year? Please join us at the PTA meeting on September 20, 2024 @8:00 AM in the Lee Library. Arrive early for coffee and mingling.


Remarkable Roadrunner

graphic showcasing photos of the Lee garden adn the names of the three Remarkable Roadrunners Dani Monahan, Susana Prince, and Marsha Riti

We believe all members of the Roadrunner community are remarkable but this year we're working to call attention to large and small things that showcase how our community shines.

This week, I'm featuring Dani Monahan, Susana Prince, Marsha Riti.

Have you noticed how our gardens are thriving even after a long hot summer? They were nominated because they "have done a splendid job of keeping up our garden area and beautifying our grounds!" If you see them, please thank them for the work they put in this summer in creating a welcoming and safe campus garden full of life for all of us to return to and enjoy.

Thank you Ms. Day for nominating this amazing group! I'm looking forward to showcasing other Remarkable Roadrunners in the Lee Community this year!


Volunteers Needed

Fami-Lee, the PTA E-Board does a lot but so do so many others who serve on various committees and projects each year. Please fill out the Lee PTA Volunteer interest form here.  Filling out the form is not a commitment but it does start a conversation so give it a try! I'm listing a few areas that need you but we can honestly use as much help as you can give toward accomplishing our goals this year!

Volunteers Needed graphic. Blue text on a field of gradient shades of green. bottom border shows cartoon hands raised in the air
  • Copy Cats - (1hr/week) Help support teachers by making copies, laminating, and doing other tasks in the workroom.

  • Carnival - (now-October) Various opportunities to help from planning, organizing, day of support, and soliciting donations, etc.

  • Lost & Found - (1hr/week) help sort and label L&F items so our roadrunners can easily reclaim them!

  • Lee Live - (varies) This is a fun and rewarding opportunity to plan the best party for the best cause!


Room Rep

graphic that repeats what a Room Rep is.

Room Reps are caregivers who act as a liaison for the teacher, administration, exec board, and other key stakeholders. They relay timely information to other caregivers while creating and fostering community through communication and chat groups. This person will also support the teacher in planning and executing classroom parties and activities along with other room reps in the same grade.

Room Rep Orientation will be on September 9th so please don't delay!


Teacher Appreciation

The School-wide Appreciation Chair, Stephanie Lermer and her team have been hard at work helping the teachers and staff feel welcomed this year. Through generous donations they have been able to provide several refreshing options. Today Central Market provided free boxed lunches and beverages for every single teacher and staff member at Lee.

Thank you to all the groups that have donated food and drink to our school so far!

  • Cornucopia donated popcorn for teachers' lounge.

  • Siete donated product for teachers' lounge.

  • Upper Crust donated pastries for PTA Meeting 9/20.

  • Starbucks donated coffee travelers for PTA Meeting 9/20.

  • Central Market donated boxed lunches for the entire staff

Want to volunteer with Stephanie & the appreciation team? Fill our the volunteer form above or email


Lee's D&D club needs another Dungeon Master!

D&D advert for dungeon master

Lee's D&D Club NEEDS YOU!! We're recruiting Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters! Is this you or someone you know? Get in touch with Aaron Peckham to join the team and offer one of the most loved and anticipated Lee Clubs this year!!

This is a paid opportunity.


512.414.2098 ext. 57860


Lee Clubs Fall 2024

lee clubs logo

We know you are all excited to sign up so check out the full schedule online and mark your calendar for registration.


  • Lee Clubs - Registration begins 9/1​

  • 3rd party vendor clubs - Registrations are NOW open​


Membership Minute

flyer asking for people to join PTA

PTA membership is easy! It's only $8 for the year and takes 2 minutes of your time. You are not required to volunteer. If you are unsure about your membership status, please email The membership year begins on August 1st each year.

Join today at


Library Lines

by Jenny Day, Librarian

Ms. Day, surrounded by a selection of books purchased using $10,000 in PTA funds this summer
Ms. Day, received $10,000 in PTA budget reserves to purchase new library books this Summer.

Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a pleasant summer.

Just want to let you know that we will start the week off with getting devices out to the students. K-6th grade will have Chromebooks this year. All students will be one to one, except for kindergarten which will be 3 students to 1chromebook. One way you can help your child more easily use their chromebook is to help them memorize their user name and password. If you want to email me, I can send it home with your child. (Sorry we were told not to share usernames or passwords online.)

We will start library lessons the second week of school (Aug 26) and library volunteers can start after Labor Day (Monday classes will slide to Friday that week.) If you are interested in volunteering in the library please email Mrs. Day by August 26th. We will have a volunteer orientation after the Principal's Coffee on Friday Aug. 30th - about 9:00.

Last but not least - SUMMER READERS!! If your child kept a reading log this summer and read at least 20 minutes a day, then they probably read at least 1400 minutes. Have your child bring their log to the library by TODAY and we will have our Popsicle Party Celebration on Sept. 6th.


Physical Education News

by Libby Wyss, PE Coach

Welcome back newsletter from the Lee Physical Education team!

colorful graphic showcasing image of the three PE coaches and words of welcome.


Lee Merch - Limited Edition

flyer advertising Lee Merch on a limited run.

Limited edition t-shirts are available on pre-order now! Grab yours while you can! There are three designs:

Yellow classic, grey classic, & navy blue & red '23-'24 school shirt design

Pre Order deadline 8/30

Pickup Week of 9/23

Kids Shirts $15

Adult Shirts $20


Lost & Found Reminder

Fami-Lee - gentle reminder to label your Roadrunner's items! There are already a few things on the Lost & Found shelves this week! Please also remind your roadrunner to stop by the L&F shelves in the 2nd grade hallway to claim their lost items.

Lost & Found shelf at Lee with 5 items on it.


Lee Calendar

August & September Calendars were printed and will be backpacked this week!

  • 8/30 @ 8:00 AM - Principal's Coffee

  • 8/30 @ 9:00 AM - Library Volunteer Orientation

    • email Ms. Day to sign up!

  • 9/1 @ 8PM - Lee Clubs Registration opens!

    • sign up link will be sent out closer to registration

  • 9/2 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day

  • 9/5 @ 6-7pm - Back to School Night

    For caregivers to learn about the year's procedures, expectations & curriculum from their student's classroom teacher. Details will be provided by the school leadership team.

  • 9/9 @ 6-7PM - Room Rep Orientation

  • 9/14 @ 9-12PM - ROADIE WORK DAY

  • 9/17 @ 3:30-4:30 PM - CAC meeting - Lee Library

  • 9/20 @ 8-9AM - PTA Membership Meeting eLee Library

    • Arrive early for coffee & mingling


  • 9/26 during morning arrival - ROADRUNNER RALLY COFFEE CHAT

  • 9/27 @5-7PM - Loteria Night @Lee Cafeteria

  • 9/28 - Parking Lot Fundraiser eLee Parking lots




2024-2025 Lee PTA E-Board

Image with photos of each member of the PTA E-Board.

In case you haven't met us yet, the 2024-2025 Lee PTA E-Board members are:

  • Jessica Hoffman, President

  • Jillian DeLaTorre Copeland, Vice President

  • Clarissa Peña, Vice President of Communications

  • Simone Harlow, Vice President of Educational Enrichment

  • Wyeth Slagle, Vice President of Fundraising

  • Sarah Farrell, Vice President of Membership

  • Elise Price, Treasurer

  • Selena Melancon, Historian

  • Diana Cruz, Secretary

  • Kristy Orr, Parliamentarian


AI generated image of Clarissa

Thanks for reading this week's Roadrunner Rundown. As always feel free to share your comments or feature suggestions with Clarissa at or online here. Join our caregiver Facebook group!

donate to Lee - Roadrunner Rally


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