Congratulations to all the students and families getting back into their routines and completing the 2nd week of the semester! This week in the Roadrunner Rundown we're sharing a lot of information (but it is all so helpful!) so use the Table of Contents below to get to the topics that interest you most and then double back to the rest!
Table of Contents
Volunteer! Volunteer! Volunteer!
Room Rep, Teacher Lounge Fairy, Treasurer Support, etc...
A Note on Communications...
We're working out the best way to get information to you but want you to know that you'll likely get a newsletter from Principal Sileo every other week and a Roadrunner Rundown on alternating weeks. The Rundown highlights will always be cross-posted to Parent Square and the Facebook Parents group to make sure you see it. You'll get more frequent posts or Rundowns when we have a news heavy week or pressing issues to share and of course we'll backpack paper flyers every now and then as the situation calls for it.
Additionally, Principal Sileo will continue to maintain other social media with school highlights of interest.
So, thank you for following along as we work to provide the most relevant Lee Elementary information for you and your family.
if you have any questions please email communications@russellleepta.org.
Roadrunner Rally is coming!!
What is Roadrunner Rally? It's a no-frills fundraiser that allows the school to offer events (like Lee Olympics or Geography Day) and also provides professional development for teachers, assistance with classroom expenses and educational enrichment opportunities for students.
This year we're asking for $100 per student. BUT, any amount is greatly appreciated. We would love to see 100% participation by the end of September!
Amazon Wishlists!

We've asked the teachers to share their Amazon wishlists with us so that anyone who is able can help clear those lists! These are items that teachers will use to help enhance the classroom experience for our students and teachers. Teachers will add items to the list as they become necessary through out the year so keep checking back!
Thank you in advance for your generosity as a Lee parent and caregiver community!
Although not every teacher has shared their list, you'll find most of them are linked on the staff page of our website and we'll add more links as we receive them.
Teacher / Staff About Me
We know that many of you are already asking about what your teacher's favorites are so you can send them a small token of appreciation in the form of their favorite snack, drink, etc... We are actively collecting the information and collating it into easily readable documents that you'll see coming your way in the next few weeks. Thank you for your patience!

This is your reminder to please Join the PTA! The process takes only a couple of minutes and grants you bragging rights as one of our biggest supporters as well as voting rights in any upcoming general meeting votes!
PTA is the largest child’s advocacy association; thank you for supporting our efforts to make every child’s potential a reality, and to back the future of our children! Our PTA is a powerful voice for all children, a relevant source for families and communities, and a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.
Questions about PTA membership? membership@russellleepta.org
Fall 2023 Enrichment Update
If you submitted the Lee Enrichment application, you should be getting a response on Saturday, August 26th, so check your inbox this weekend for all the details!
This year we were able to place over 200 students in 13 free clubs! Since its inception, the program has been growing steadily but this is a banner year as we were able to nearly double the number of placements and club offerings from the 2022 numbers.
Thank you to all the community members who have stepped forward to lead these exciting clubs and to the teachers who have graciously made space available in their classrooms for our students. And thank you to our Educational Enrichment Chair for putting in so much work to coordinate all the moving pieces. We're excited for the semester and already looking forward to possible new offerings for Spring 2024!
If you'd like to volunteer for future instructor positions or ask questions please email the Educational Enrichment Chair at enrichment@russellleepta.org. Specific club-related questions should be sent to the leaders of each club.
Upcoming Events of Interest!
August is nearly over but we've still got one key event this month and several next month that you're going to want to attend!

August 29 | Parent / Caregiver Forum @ 6:00 PM in the Lee Library
This is a back to school night for adults only and a chance for grade levels to share their policies and procedures, answer questions, and welcome families to the year as it has gotten underway.
Grade levels will run two identical sessions from 6:00pm- 6:30pm and then 6:35-7:00 to allow families the chance to attend multiple grade levels. Materials shared by grade levels will be posted to ParentSquare afterwards for those who may not be able to attend.
September 1 | Principal's Coffee @ 8:00 AM in the Lee Library
Scheduled for the first Friday of the month, these are informal opportunities to discuss current campus topics with Campus Leadership. Specific focuses for these chats will be shared ahead of time if guest presenters are invited.
September 4 | Labor Day - No School
September 12 | 1st PTA general Meeting @ 8:00 AM in the Lee Library
PTA General meetings are to share current projects and goals.
September 17 | Roadie Work Day!
On Roadie Work Days, we come together as a community to work on projects that help create a safe and welcoming environment for our students. Past projects have included revamping the garden, power washing the building, painting murals, beautifying the track, etc. All ages are welcome and appreciated. Fill out the volunteer form or reach out to our Roadrunner Roadies for more information!
September 19 | CAC Meeting

A total of eight meetings held throughout year, on a variety of topics including school improvement goals and planning. Members may apply to serve on council and all meetings are open to the public.
Membership applications can be found here: https://www.austinisd.org/advisory-bodies/cac/application
Questions can be sent to Principal Sileo
September 29 | Loteria Night!
Volunteer! Volunteer! Volunteer!
We are better together! Volunteer to bring your skills, time, and knowledge to our community! Fill out the Volunteer form online to express interest but don't worry, this does not obligate you to any specific thing, it just puts you on our radar and helps get you involved. We'll reach out to you to help you find the best fit for you. Learn more about volunteer opportunities on the PTA website.
Current volunteer opportunities
Room Rep | New this year! We're looking for one parent / caregiver from each class to represent that class. You'll communicate information from the teachers, administration, committees, and PTA to the parents. And you'll also help coordinate holiday parties, Valentine’s parties, Grade Level Program celebrations, and end-of-year parties. (Teachers will discuss during Parent Forum)
Teacher lounge fairy | donate an hour every month to keeping the teachers lounge stocked and clean.
Treasurer support | Aid the treasurer in organizing and maintaining documentation. No previous finance experience necessary!
Teacher appreciation | Brainstorming and executing appreciation for our teachers throughout the year.
Social media moderator | support the current board in managing social media platforms.
Lost and Found | Help reunite students with their lost items on campus!
Copy Cats | Help support teachers and staff by making copies, laminating, and doing other tasks in the workroom as needed.
Carnival Chair! | Make your mark on Lee by helping to organize the Fall Carnival which is one event everyone looks forward to! The 2023 Fall Carnival will be held on October 28th.
If none of these seem like the right fit for you, fill out the form anyway because the opportunities to contribute to the Lee Community are endless.
Volunteer Background Check
Reminder all in-school volunteers have to sign up for a background check with Austin Partners in Ed - every year. https://austinpartners.formtitan.com/ftproject/volunteer/bc
Receipt Shares
Get cute name tags for all your gear! With every purchase at Mabel's Labels, we receive 20% of the proceeds. Go to this link campaigns.mabelslabels.com and search for Russell Lee Elementary to shop!
Welcome Back Event Recap
Thank you to all the families who stopped by the PTA Welcome Back event to say hi on Monday, August 21st! We're always happy to see the community engage with one another and answer questions. Many of you also donated to Roadrunner Rally and purchased Lee merch which was an added bonus! We have a few community events on the calendar that we hope you can make space for because they allow us to grow as a community!
