Table of Contents
Week 7 is done...Entering week 8!

Fami-Lee!! It's Sunday... Sorry there wasn't a normal Friday Rundown - it was a short week and yet super chaotic on my end. There are a few updates for the week though so here we go...
Week 8 brings a couple of key events including the all new 2nd Grade Program & Principal Appreciation Week. Learn more about our wonderful Principal Sileo & our Substitute Principal Placker on our Lee Staff page here.

2nd Grade Program is this week!
The grade level program team has been hard at work helping the 2nd grade team bring this entirely new program to life.
Hispanic Heritage "Hola Amigos"
October 10 | 6:00 PM
A program celebrating Hispanic Heritage, performed by the 2nd grade.
Thank you to all the caregivers helping with the stage and props for this exciting program!!

Fami-Lee, We NEED you! It only takes 4 people 2 hours to collect $1,200 for Lee.
Please set aside some time on Saturday October 19th before the UT football game against Georgia to help us raise much needed funds to fill the coffers of our year long fundraising goal to support Lee.
Clothing Donations

Clothing Donations Needed
Our school nurse is in need of gently used pants and new underwear.
Girls/boys pant size 5-8
Boys underwear size 5-8
The collection bin will be located outside Lee's main door from October 8th-31st.
Lost & Found Updates
REMINDER to please label ALL your Roadrunner's sweaters, hoodies, jackets, water bottles and lunch boxes so we can reunite them with their belongings. Thank you!
Lee Calendar
October calendar should be in backpacks this week!
10/7-10/11 - Principal Appreciation Week
10/10 - 2nd Grade Showcase "Hispanic Heritage: Hola Amigos"
10/14 - NO SCHOOL - Caregiver Conference Day
10/15 - CAC Meeting
10/18 - Principal's Coffee
10/19 - Parking Lot Fundraiser
10/26 - Lee Carnival (Save the Date)
Save the date & contact our Carnival Chair, Beth Stone at to join the planning committee or volunteer the day of!

11/1 - NO SCHOOL
11/14 - 3rd Grade Program "Herstory" *** New date

Thank you to everyone who came out to help make this another spectacular Lee event. There was plentiful food, tables of happy faces, and some great prizes!
Congratulations to our Loteria Winners
(pictured above from L-R): (L-R) Pearl, TK, The Tucker Family, Mars, Otto, Sullivan
Volunteer w/Mr. Peckham!

This is a 30 minute commitment that can be fun and easy with 2 or more people working together!
Let's bring back the fun music and happy morning atmosphere! Volunteer today!
If you have a non-Lee parent willing to volunteer like a grandparent contact to get them on the schedule!
VOLUNTEER HERE| Looking for context for this ask? see last week's rundown here.

Thanks for reading this week's Roadrunner Rundown. As always feel free to share your comments or feature suggestions with Clarissa at or online here.