Since 2009, the Lee Creates magazine has showcased the writing and art of Lee Elementary students. Lee Creates is driven by the kids’ creativity, and fosters their sense of achievement and community. Thanks to the Lee PTA, we are able to print a copy of this incredible collection for each family. Starting in the 2014-15 school year, Lee 6th graders have taken the lead in promoting and producing the magazine.
Submission Guidelines
Lee students may submit original stories, articles, poetry, essays, artwork, cartoons, or other creative work for publication. Work by students in grades K–2 must be reviewed by a parent or teacher for sense and legibility.
Students may submit more than one written piece for publication, but submissions should total no more than one 8-1/2” x 11” page all together.
No more than one art piece per student will be published. If submissions exceed the space available, students will be limited to one piece of writing or one piece of art.
All contents must be legible and appropriate for all ages.
Art should be created on unlined paper, preferably using ink or paint. Light pencil or crayon drawings, especially on notebook paper, may not reproduce well enough to be published.
Save written work in Word or scan artwork and save in JPG format. Please do not submit photos of writing.
E-mail electronic submissions to Leecreates@russellleepta.org. If a student is unable to submit work by e-mail, a parent may contact Ms. Day in the library to request to have the work scanned.
All work submitted must include the student’s first and last name, grade, and homeroom teacher. We cannot publish or return items that do not include the student’s full name.