Table of Contents
Spring Fling - TODAY!!!

We're excited to see you all at this brand new Lee PTA sponsored family friendly event!
Reminder, this event will feature a book swap, clothes swap, (bring your own kite) kite fest, & an author visit!
Bring your own kites and if the wind picks up feel free to fly them out in the field!
April 5 @ 5-8PM
Lee Elementary School Library parking lot

Local author, and McCallum parent, Lee Reed, to share her new book,  Constellation Clues: The Cipher of the Seven StarsÂ
BookPeople is offering signed copies of the book for $16.95 - order yours at this site.Â
Learn more about the book and order your own copy here:
Books will be delivered to the library on Friday, so order you copy early. Â
***Special reminder - if you haven't dropped your Roadrunner hasn't submitted their bluebonnet form, you can do that today at Spring Fling with Ms. Day.
Lee PTA Needs Your Help!
The Lee PTA is working on a plan to update the landscaping at Lee in order to make it both aesthetically pleasing and sustainable so if you or someone you know have expertise or skillset in any related area, we'd love to connect and discuss further.
Landscape designer or hortoculturist to help develop a vision for the front aesthetic of our school
Irrigation experience to help design and execute an irrigation system for the side gardens
We are considering creating a seating / outdoor classroom area on the side of the school between the library and the school and would love for a community member with a vision and / or experience to draw something up so we can consider pricing and options.
Solar Eclipse

Reminder Monday is the Solar Eclipse we've all been waiting for! AISD will be open and the school has been working on a plan to ensure all students and staff can view it safely. See Principal Sileo's PS post for full details here.
One Month to order 2023-2024 Lee Yearbooks!

Don't forget to order your Lee Yearbook! We haven't had one in a few years so lock in this unique opportunity now!
Less than a month left to order 23-24 LEE YEARBOOKS! Order here! You can easily customize your own pages with user friendly Treering guide.
Deadline for custom pages is 4/16. Yearbooks will be delivered and distributed before the last day of school in May.

Yearbook questions? Email Selena Melancon, PTA Historian at:
Best Selling Author, Ernest Cline visits 6th grade.

Best Selling Author of Ready Player 1, Ernest Cline will visit with 6th grade on Monday, April 8 (Eclipse Day) at 11:00. BookPeople is sponsoring his talk regarding his newest book, Bridge to Bat City.
You can order a copy of the book from BookPeople at this website.
STAAR Testing begins next week

Lost & Found week of April 5
Lost & Found items from this week. All items will be out in front of the main entrance of the school at pickup on Friday, April 5th.
Join the PTA Exec Board!
A Message from the PTA President, Jessica Hoffman:
It's hard to believe but we are already starting to look ahead for next school year. 😳 We elected a Nomination Committee at the last PTA meeting to secure our nominees. We have three vacant positions on our Executive Board team for the 2024-2025 school year. Please see below for brief descriptions of each role and reach out to Kristy our Parliamentarian ( or me, Jessica ( to express your interest or to gather more information. We would love to have you join the team!
Duties include; Attend all executive board meetings (monthly), attend all general meetings (5 or 6 per year), take thorough minutes at each meeting, organize the agenda for each meeting.
Time Commitment: Low
Duties include: Attend all executive board and general PTA meetings, recruiting new PTA members, and managing communication of agendas and budget to PTA members.
Time Commitment: Medium
Duties include: Attend all executive board and general PTA meetings, maintaining the budget throughout the year, receiving check requests and distributing reimbursement checks, working closely with the president to develop budget and budget amendments, use quickbooks to record all spending and revenue, administrative management of insurance, taxes, etc.
Time Commitment: High

AISD is collecting feedback via the annual climate survey from March 25-April 12 so make your voice count and submit your responses today!Â
RAVE about Lee!!

The Recognizing All Valuable Employees or RAVE Program was created to honor those who take the extra steps to provide equitable and exceptional experiences. If you had an exceptional experience interacting with an Austin ISD employee , please nominate that staff member by following the link here:ÂÂ
Report Cards Available NOW!

Be sure to log in to the AISD portal ( and click non "Documentation" to access your student's report card for the 3rd nine weeks.
Lee Calendar
Check out the April Calendar here:
April 1-5 | Assistant Principal Appreciation Week
April 1-5 | School Librarian Appreciation Week
April 5 | Principal's Coffee (Solar Eclipse discussion)
April 5 | Spring Fling
April 9 | STAAR 5th & 6th, ELA
Reminder - no campus visitors/volunteers on STAAR testing days!

April 10 | No School - Staff Development Day / Eid al-Fitr

April 11 | Morris Brothers - grades k-2 Character building Assembly
April 11 | Morris Brothers - grades 3-6 State Wide Testing Assembly
April 11 | Lee Art Show & Maker Faire
April 16 | STAAR 3rd & 4th, ELA
Reminder - no campus visitors/volunteers on STAAR testing days!

April 16 | CAC Meeting

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM @ Lee Library
A total of eight meetings held throughout year, on a variety of topics including school improvement goals and planning. Members may apply to serve on council and all meetings are open to the public.
Membership applications can be found here:Â
Questions can be sent to Principal Sileo caitlin.sileo@austinisd.orgÂ
April 16 | PTA Membership Meeting (Elections PTA Exec Board)

PTA Meeting
April 16, 2024
5:00 PM @ Lee Library
REMINDER PLEASE join the PTA to vote in the PTA elections.
April 17 | STAAR 5th Science; ELA make-ups
Reminder - no campus visitors/volunteers on STAAR testing days!

April 18 | STAAR 5th Science make-ups; Add'l 5th ELA makeups
Reminder - no campus visitors/volunteers on STAAR testing days!

April 21 | Roadie Work Day

Volunteer to help work on projects that will beautify and improve Lee for everyone!
Questions or ready to volunteer, Email
April 22-26 | Admin Professionals Appreciation Week
April 22-26 | School Volunteer Appreciation Week
April 23 | STAAR 3rd & 4th, Math
Reminder - no campus visitors/volunteers on STAAR testing days!

April 24 | STAAR 5th & 6th, Math
Reminder - no campus visitors/volunteers on STAAR testing days!

April 25 | STAAR Math make-ups
Reminder - no campus visitors/volunteers on STAAR testing days!

May 2 | Kinder Program
May 14 | PTA Membership Meeting (PTA 24-25 Budget Vote)
Call for Photos from Lee Events!
Send photos from any Lee events to showcase here in the Rundown or on ParentSquare to the PTA here: or email directly to

Thanks for reading this week's Roadrunner Rundown. As always feel free to share your comments or feature suggestions with Clarissa at or online here. Join our caregiver Facebook group!